Gail Burgess's Reviews > Ask the Cards a Question

Ask the Cards a Question by Marcia Muller
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's review

it was amazing

I usually write down a list of possible suspects on the front cover as I begin a mystery and then refer to it as I eliminate, or sometimes add, a suspect. So, even in a book I had read before, many years ago, I still had not even writen down/considered the culprit as a suspect!... At least not until it was so close to the end I never returned to the front cover to add the name. To me, that makes for a great mystery -- at least when I can then see how I missed considering the person and why s/he actually should have been considered.... Also love how Kinsey figures out details -- like the time it takes frozen food to melt! :-)

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Started Reading
July 14, 2018 – Shelved
July 14, 2018 – Finished Reading

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