Jaime's Reviews > Surrender

Surrender by Amy Daws
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's review

it was amazing

Now I understand why it took time to cultivate Gareth’s story. This book is Amy Daws’ finest work for the Harris Brothers. Gareth has remained somewhat of an illusion in the previous books. He’s present but nothing much about him divulged.

Harris plays for Man U, that in itself leads to lack of privacy on the field. Off the field, fans think they have the right to that access. Gareth is always to compared to and by his family. It’s hard growing up always being compared to your father.

Sloan is a divorced mother who’s ex can’t just let go. She’s trying to reassert herself as a kickass woman with her job that gives her freedom.

These two are brought together as a release from the world around them. They exist together. They live separately. There are complex, dynamic attributes that make Gareth and Sloan so incredibly attractive to each other. I will say the power of pure sexuality between these two is off the charts.

I’m checking off the days until their next book comes about.
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Reading Progress

July 9, 2018 – Started Reading
July 9, 2018 – Shelved
July 10, 2018 – Finished Reading

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