L.A.L.'s Reviews > Witch Is When It All Began

Witch Is When It All Began by Adele Abbott
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it was ok
bookshelves: female-contemp, fiction, magical, mystery, e-book

Overall, an easy, fluff read. It started out slow, it gained a bit of speed, but generally failed. Too many holes and too much jumping about.

Jill was an okay protagonist, a bit annoying at times and a bit wishy-washy. One minute she's dead set against being a witch, and then the next she's completely accepted it. One minute she hates her birth mother and the next she's completely accepted her (view spoiler). And her OCD is a bit much. Jack Maxwell is mentioned a lot, but has very few scenes. He is basically one-dimensional. And seriously, his socks had "Tweetie Pie" on them? I have never heard anyone refer to Tweety (the Warner Bros. cartoon bird, assuming that's what the author meant) that way. Tweetie Pie was the name of an animated short. The character's name is Tweety (unless the author was not referring to the cartoon but some British thing that doesn't mean anything in the U.S., but then give us some clue). Anyway, there were no explanations given as to his rude, gruff behavior. The rest of the characters were even less developed. I don't expect great character development in fluff books, and this one didn't disappoint. It's clear the author was going for amusing, funny dialogue, but that didn't quite work most of the time.

The plot left something to be desired. Jill is a PI and gets a chance at a big case. But then there are chapters where nothing happens. It's as if she didn't care about the case at all. But then all the sudden, BAM! Three murders solved in a few pages. Why bother having the mystery if there's not going to be any time developing it at all? The focus was mostly on her finding out she actually is a witch. But even that plot line was shaky at best. Doubt I'll bother with the next one.

Overall, maybe 2.5 stars, but that would be a stretch. Luckily. I downloaded it for free from Amazon Prime.

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Reading Progress

July 28, 2018 – Started Reading
July 28, 2018 – Shelved
July 28, 2018 – Shelved as: female-contemp
July 28, 2018 – Shelved as: fiction
July 28, 2018 – Shelved as: magical
July 28, 2018 – Shelved as: mystery
July 28, 2018 – Shelved as: e-book
July 28, 2018 – Finished Reading

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Aviva Godfrey I don't know if it's what the author intended, but "Tweetie Pie" is a bird pun of "Sweetie Pie" I've known since I was a kiddo. Then again, I was born in Georgia. <3

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