Terry's Reviews > The Black Book

The Black Book by Lawrence Durrell
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I can understand the mixed reviews for this book. The narration is difficult. I turned to the site for some insight on it. I've been reading the marvelous letters between Durrell and Miller to increase my understanding and I come to this book after having read the Alexandria Quartet, a group of novels that I consider some of the best in literature. What keeps me pushing forward in this book, however, is the language, the truly unique descriptions and insights such as:

Knowing Clare, I can imagine pretty well the form that seduction took. Gin the foundation, romance the actual rubble, and a fine tight cement of flattery and tinsel. How often have I seen the same dreary hook baited for the sentimental miss. Poor fellow, he was unhappy. He was misunderstood. There had been a great tragedy in his life -- the expression of which was intensified by the gin and balloons. He would not openly talk about it, even when pressed; but as Gracie once said, "you could see it writ all over him!" Oil say! Under his carefree jazzing, his glittering facade of smile and insinuation, you could see vague hints of this secret misery: like patches of damp on an otherwise white ceiling.

To write like he does at 24 is astounding to me, 40, reading to understand how writing should be done.
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January 8, 2012 – Shelved
Started Reading
February 17, 2013 – Finished Reading

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