Natalie's Reviews > The Bean Trees

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
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I have to admit, this book really did a number on me. It was recommended to me from a friend, so my expectations were high, but after the first few chapters I was was not getting into it. The narrator's first-person voice was simple, non-descriptive, and frankly just a bit too naive to handle for an entire novel. But the story was interesting, so I kept going.

And the thing is, so does Taylor, the main character. As she charges her way through a haphazard journey to the Southwest, she begins to grow up right before your eyes, and so does her narrative voice. Slowly, her language becomes more mature, as do her observations. A story that started out very basic and straightforward becomes rich and multi-faceted. By the end I was shocked at the transformation that happened in just 200+ pages, just as Taylor must have been to see herself and her world change in less than a year.

I now have nothing but love for this adorable book. So roll your eyes all you want at the girl in the first few chapters, she'll grow on you.
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July 10, 2008 – Shelved
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July 20, 2008 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I felt the exact same thing. It's never going to be a literary masterpiece, but it's still an engaging story.

Avidreader Exactly. It grows on you.

Molly Capps I agree the book is very slow to begin with but does begin to get better and better as you read and you have the feeling that you need to finish it.

message 4: by Karen (last edited Dec 25, 2021 12:00AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Karen I actually felt the opposite. I liked the first of the book and was looking forward to being very drawn in and then found that I wasn't. I kept reading it because I thought it was an engaging story, however I came to not like the style as much because I couldn't visualize in a meaningful way the characters or the scenery. I disliked the name of 'Turtle' for the child and the allusions to sexual mistreatment left me scratching my head twice - where did those come from. There was more of a backstory that needed to be told. I found myself grazing and then having to go back because I missed something that was said. I would like to try another by her because this was the first one I read and hopefully her writing has evolved.

Stephanie Lindorff Karen - this was Kingsolver's first novel and definitely juvenilia. Her abilities have grown and her style has grown much more sophisticated.

Karen Stephanie wrote: "Karen - this was Kingsolver's first novel and definitely juvenilia. Her abilities have grown and her style has grown much more sophisticated."

Thanks Stephanie. I will try another. Any specific recommendations?

Stephanie Lindorff I'd recommend Flight Behavior or Poisonwood Bible. Neither is a jolly little beach read but they are powerfully written.

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