Justin Tate's Reviews > Rain

Rain by Michael McDowell
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's review

it was amazing

It's hard to review this final book of the Blackwater saga without spoilers, so I'll just say that it did not disappoint. The plot remains consistent, a blend of mostly-ordinary family affairs and uncanny abnormalities--notably the increasingly restless brood of apparitions and river monsters. Though there was a revealing prophecy early on (Book #1 I believe), the ending still left me surprised and satisfied. I didn't realize how much I loved Blackwater until it was over and I had to return to the real world, with no more pages of Caskey history to follow.

After some reflection I'll post a review of what I thought of the complete 1000+ page saga as a single entity, which is what it really is.
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Reading Progress

April 13, 2019 – Started Reading
April 13, 2019 – Shelved
April 16, 2019 – Finished Reading

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