Naomi's Reviews > The Ruined House

The Ruined House by Ruby Namdar
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bookshelves: ambivalent

I gave this book 4 stars, but am ambivalent about whether to recommend it to anyone. I read it, knowing it was a winner of the Sapir award in Israel, and after hearing the author speak. Although I loved the author's nuanced persepctive and style of speaking, which was densely filled with ideas, I can't say that I loved this book. It was EXTREMELY dense, and at times, I felt like I couldn't stand to read one more sentence about the agony the main character was experiencing. But I persisted--and I'm actually glad that I did. As the reviewer in the NYT said, the book is a masterpiece, just not to be lightly recommended.
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Reading Progress

April 24, 2019 – Started Reading
April 24, 2019 – Shelved
April 24, 2019 – Shelved as: ambivalent
April 24, 2019 – Finished Reading

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