Stephanie *Eff your feelings*'s Reviews > Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Quiet by Susan Cain
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bookshelves: psycology, personality, 2012
Read 2 times

March 6th was Super Tuesday and I live in that Oh-so-much-talked-about-battle-ground-state of Ohio. I work the elections as a Ballot Judge, which means I hand out the ballots to the voters and give them instructions. I get to talk and talk, for 13 hours straight *sigh*. I try to make it entertaining for the voters, myself and the others I work with because of its repetition, but by 7:30 pm when the polls close I don’t think the language I was using was English.

My spiel went something like this…….

Me: “Hi. What ballot can I get for you today?”

Voter: “Uh…….what do you mean?”

Me: “Today we have, Democratic, Republican, Libertarian or Green (I have never given out the last two)”.

Voter: “What’s a Green party?”

Me: “I’m not sure, but there is next to nothing on their ballot.”

Voter: “I’m and independent (code for embarrassed Republican) can’t I have both a Democratic AND Republican ballot?”

Me: “No, you must declare one and you will be that party until the next primary. Ohio is a closed primary state.”

Voter: “Uh….then give me a *whispers* a Democrat one.”

Me: *loudly* “Democratic it is! Take all this to a table and vote, when you are done bring everything back to Rosemary in the red sweater by that machine. Make sure to tear off the stub on the bottom of the ballot…….the one that is marked “do not detach” when you come up to the machine. If you don’t, you will make Rosemary angry (a very sweet and very old woman) and you won’t like her when she’s angry. She will cover you in I Voted stickers.”

This resulted in lots of chuckles, but I did it 301 times. I was drained. I slept for 12 hours that night. Twelve. Grant it, I got up at stupid O ‘clock to get to the polls by 6 am and maybe had 4 hours of sleep, but I was just a shell my former self. I am an introvert.

Introverts and extroverts are most easily determined by how their energy is drained and how it is refreshed. Extroverts are drained when they have spent too much time alone, and the opposite is true for introverts. So for me, my life force was gone.

In the United States our culture is biased towards the extrovert. We are about the loudness, the out there, the utter insanity if you will. In school “poor Johnny is so quiet, he needs to come out of his shell.” I want to scream “Leave him alone…..he’s FINE, he likes his shell!” School rooms now do this Pod thing where they pull four desks together and make these poor kids work as a team. WTF? No way would have that “concept” worked for me and it’s not working for introverted kids.

“There’s no I in team” and that is a damn dirty shame.

I haven’t worked in an office setting in years, so when I read in this book that office places are arranging offices areas with an open concept, everybody face to face with no walls. Workers going about their day, shooting the shit, getting ideas……brainstorming (which doesn't work). Who in the hell thought that one up? What a nightmare. What if I only tolerate a certain co-worker……now I have to stare at his annoying face all day, every day? How is anything ever accomplished?

Companies are beginning to realize this mistake and are changing things up. Google (I think it was them) designed their offices with food, bathrooms and the like all in the center, like a town center, with offices around the edges. It is designed for casual meetings where ideas everyone figured out in their quiet offices are shared and expanded.

Introverts are a third to half of the population. Many of these don’t even know they are introverted, because of the push to be extroverted has made them fool themselves into thinking they were extroverts.

Another interesting thing I learned from this book is that extroverts are motivated by rewards. They work toward things, and take risks if need be to get to the goal of getting that reward. Extroverts are soooo happy when they get the reward.

Introverts are motivated by fear. So they do things more cautiously, careful not to mess things up in the process of getting to a goal. That sounds like me. It’s doesn't sound cool that I am afraid to F things up, but I am.

This book is interesting, whether you are an I or an E. Because if you’re not an introvert, odds are you know and love one.

Also posted at Shelfinflicted
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Finished Reading
January 25, 2012 – Shelved (ebook Edition)
February 23, 2012 – Started Reading (ebook Edition)
February 29, 2012 – Shelved as: psycology (ebook Edition)
February 29, 2012 – Shelved as: non-fiction (ebook Edition)
February 29, 2012 – Finished Reading (ebook Edition)
March 8, 2012 – Shelved
March 8, 2012 – Shelved as: psycology
March 8, 2012 – Shelved as: personality
July 21, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012
August 30, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012 (ebook Edition)

Comments Showing 1-50 of 135 (135 new)

message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Love this review, Stephanie.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Stephen wrote: "Love this review, Stephanie."

Thanks Steve.

message 3: by Pamela (new) - added it

Pamela Great review! I'm also an introvert and I think I may need to read this book now.

carol. It is empowering to learn you are an introvert in an extrovert world--suddenly there are good reasons why a giant group of people sounds like a horrible time to me, and to others it sounds like 'fun.'

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Pamela wrote: "Great review! I'm also an introvert and I think I may need to read this book now."

Pamela, thanks. I think many of us readers are introverts. If you are interested in the subject, Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work is what first interested me in the subject. I had to take it for work and became completely fascinated.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Carol wrote: "It is empowering to learn you are an introvert in an extrovert world--suddenly there are good reasons why a giant group of people sounds like a horrible time to me, and to others it sounds like 'fun.'"

Depends on the group.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Excellent review! I'm an introvert as well, and totally understand the difficulties at times working in an office environment, or with a lot of co-workers in general.

There was a bit about this book on NPR on January 30th:

Manny Great review!

“There’s no I in team” and that is a damn dirty shame.

My favorite exchange from Team America, World Police:

Spottswoode: [sententiously] There is no I in Team America.

[brief pause, then]

I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E: Yes there is!

message 9: by B0nnie (new)

B0nnie Reading your review (and a very nice review it is) the words "introvert" and "extrovert" just struck me as being very stupidly funny - try saying them over and over and over

message 10: by Stephen M (new)

Stephen M Nice review. I get the feeling that the majority of people on this site are introverts.

message 11: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Excellent review, Stephanie.

Being very introverted myself, I plan on picking this book up ASAP.

message 12: by Kemper (new)

Kemper I would have voted for this review but I'm too introverted.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Kemper wrote: "I would have voted for this review but I'm too introverted." are funny!

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Brandon wrote: "Excellent review, Stephanie.

Being very introverted myself, I plan on picking this book up ASAP."


Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Stephen M wrote: "Nice review. I get the feeling that the majority of people on this site are introverts."

I think you're right.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* B0nnie wrote: "Reading your review (and a very nice review it is) the words "introvert" and "extrovert" just struck me as being very stupidly funny - try saying them over and over and over"

Thanks Bonnie.........I know, they are funny. They sound a little dirty :)

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Manny wrote: "Great review!

“There’s no I in team” and that is a damn dirty shame.

My favorite exchange from Team America, World Police:

Spottswoode: [sententiously] There is no I in Team America.

[brief pau..."

Thanks Manny. Yeah, that exchange is perfect.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* John wrote: "Excellent review! I'm an introvert as well, and totally understand the difficulties at times working in an office environment, or with a lot of co-workers in general.

There was a bit about this bo..."

Thanks John, for the link and kind words.

message 19: by Aerin (new)

Aerin Oh man, the fear/reward thing rings sooooo true for me.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Aerin wrote: "Oh man, the fear/reward thing rings sooooo true for me."

I know......right?

message 21: by Pamela (new) - added it

Pamela Stephanie wrote: "Pamela wrote: "Great review! I'm also an introvert and I think I may need to read this book now."

Pamela, thanks. I think many of us readers are introverts. If you are interested in the subject,..."

That would make sense. I don't have many friends who are readers, but the ones I do have that are regular readers are pretty introverted. It's really interesting to me too, I'll definitly check that link out you mentioned also.

message 22: by Pamela (new) - added it

Pamela Stephanie, I just looked at that link real quick. That book is about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, have you found out what your type is? Mine is INFJ.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Pamela wrote: "Stephanie, I just looked at that link real quick. That book is about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, have you found out what your type is? Mine is INFJ."

I am an INTP, the same personality type as Jung who was behind this whole personality type wonder I find it fascinating. The description fits me, totally.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Mona wrote: "Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I have this on my to-read list too. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Introverts are motivated by fear. So they do things more cautiously, careful not to mess..."

Good luck on your job search. Any progress?

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Aerin wrote: "Oh man, the fear/reward thing rings sooooo true for me."

In the book the author compares an investment firm run by introverted people as opposed to all the extroverted Wall street investors. When the market tanked all those who invested with the risk taking extroverts (and did so because of how confident they seemed) lost their shirts. But the people who went with the careful introverts did just fine, in fact they did well. Not many invested with the quiet ones....too bad for them. What this shows is that there should be a good mix of both to make things work, the problem one hears from the introverts.

message 26: by Peter (new)

Peter Very good review!

I'm an INFJ too. I wondered why the test administrator treated me like some kind of science experiment. She told me that we're just just 3% of the population, and she had never met an INFJ in 30 years of testing. Umm ok.. It just means I'm a type of introvert... Not some kind of total oddball.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Peter wrote: "Very good review!

I'm an INFJ too. I wondered why the test administrator treated me like some kind of science experiment. She told me that we're just just 3% of the population, and she had never ..."

thanks Peter. Nope you are not an odd ball. I tested INTP which is 1% of the population, supposedly, and female ones are even harder to come by. Yet all the artists in my department (4) at the time tested INTP. I guess that is the ESTJ who hired us was attracted to.

Nancy Nash Keefer An INFP here. As Susan points out, many of us go through life forcing ourselves to be an E because that's how we were socialized in grammar school. Thankfully, I had one of the life-changing events that brought me to myself. I've been happier in the last 9 years of my life than I was the first 44 combined.

If only I could now convince my boss that there is nothing "wrong" with how I relate, and oh so much value if they'd let us (more than half of our department - all writers - are introverts) be who we are.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Nancy wrote: "An INFP here. As Susan points out, many of us go through life forcing ourselves to be an E because that's how we were socialized in grammar school. Thankfully, I had one of the life-changing events..."

Oh I know. It's so annoying that people think there is something wrong with not wanting to be loud and obnoxious.

Edmund Davis-Quinn I am guess an ambivert, but I definitely need to recharge by myself often with music and would HATE a Tony Robbins weekend

message 32: by Teresa (new) - added it

Teresa Your election day story sounds sooo much like experiences I have had in drama and school. I love being around people, but I can only take it for so long before I feel tired and hoarse from trying to keep the charisma energy up.

Fear is certainly an important factor for introverts, but I don't think I would call it a motivator. I think of it as an inhibitor that slows me down when combined with my perfectionist tendencies. My real motivator is the desire to entertain and create something that would make introverts happy. I'm sort of both, introvert and extrovert, I guess. Focused on making people happy, but they drain me and I need lone wolf time to create stuff, then I need some people around again to bring me out of my shell and enjoy the stuff I make and other people make.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Teresa wrote: "Your election day story sounds sooo much like experiences I have had in drama and school. I love being around people, but I can only take it for so long before I feel tired and hoarse from trying ..."

No one is exclusively extrovert or introvert, you simply have a preference for one or the other, but you can be extroverted if that's not your leaning. For some the preference is strong, others not so much. Some people are ambiverts, having no real preference.

The people pleasing thing is probably more due to Feeling/thinking part of the Meyers Briggs type indicator, a personality test developed using jung's

message 34: by Suresh (new)

Suresh Chauhan excellent review...will read the book soon

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Suresh wrote: "excellent review...will read the book soon"


message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

In the United States our culture is biased towards the extrovert. We are about the loudness, the out there, the utter insanity if you will.

You should see me go to vote in Oklahoma. Election workers ask: "Republican?" As loud as I can, I say, "Oh God NO! (like they just implied I was a child molestor) DEMOCRAT please!" (The greener the better as far as I'm concerned.) Election worker: "Well let's see, we've got that somewhere. Oh sure we've got plenty of those because nobody ever asks for it." (I'm exaggerating.) I should just stay home because I am out voted 1000-1 in this tea party state, but one man in the right makes a majority-- or some platitude like that to make me feel I matter.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Steve wrote: "In the United States our culture is biased towards the extrovert. We are about the loudness, the out there, the utter insanity if you will.

You should see me go to vote in Oklahoma. Election work..."

I'm all for dropping the electoral college and go straight popular vote, that way every vote really does matter. No more swing states, red states, blue states, even purple states.......I live in the most important swing state (we get so much attention), that can make a political geek like me feel special. But I'm willing to give it up!

Keep voting .....drag any other progressives along with you.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Stephanie wrote: "Steve wrote: "In the United States our culture is biased towards the extrovert. We are about the loudness, the out there, the utter insanity if you will.

You should see me go to vote in Oklahoma...."

Yes, let's drop electoral college and level the playing field. It gives small states too much power. Each small states gets 2 senators and thus an extra 2 votes in the college. Good luck finding 2/3 majority of states (small states, esp.) to ever agree to that change. It won't happen, but it should.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* "It won't happen, but it should."

That sentence to so much these days! But with the current congress vowing to do nothing until the election (Mitch 'McLipless' McConell said this publicly) and WE pay them$30 million day), I don't have any hope of things changing until we remove the teabaggers.

Trudi "teabaggers"...*snicker* Great review Stephanie. I have this loaded on my iPod and will be getting to it soon.

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Trudi wrote: ""teabaggers"...*snicker* Great review Stephanie. I have this loaded on my iPod and will be getting to it soon."

Hey, they named themselves that in the beginning. I have one word for them.....Google.


Casey What a witty review. I'm so excited to get my hands on this book! I've been in your EXACT situation (Ohio voting polls, 300+ people, stupid o'clock...) and it was a satisfying nightmare. Anyway, thanks for further inspiration to support the cause with this read. :)

Gayle What a great review! I too am an introvert who worked as an election judge for years--totally needed to climb in my cocoon when I got back home.

I was so excited when I read that someone wrote a book about introverts, I couldn't wait to get it! I'm thinking, "Finally someone noticed!

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Gayle wrote: "What a great review! I too am an introvert who worked as an election judge for years--totally needed to climb in my cocoon when I got back home.

I was so excited when I read that someone wrote a ..."

Thanks! And when you're "Quiet" it is hard to GET noticed.

Noelle Renee Awesome review!! I'm definitely reading this book now -- thank you!!

Brian There is a hidden "I" in TEAM - look at the holes in the letter A (if capitalized).

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Noelle wrote: "Awesome review!! I'm definitely reading this book now -- thank you!!"

Thanks! So it looks like you liked it :)

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Brian wrote: "There is a hidden "I" in TEAM - look at the holes in the letter A (if capitalized)."

Those sneaky I-s! A stealthy "I".

Raquel Fantastic review, I can't wait to read this!

Stephanie *Eff your feelings* Raquel wrote: "Fantastic review, I can't wait to read this!"

Thanks! Enjoy.

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