Andrew's Reviews > Q-Strike

Q-Strike by Greg Cox
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And so the trilogy ends - I must admit I have mixed feelings here. Now the challenge for me is to explain myself without breaking my own rule of no spoilers especially since the 3 books are so closely linked together the events of one starts almost immediately as the one before ends.

So here we go.

The trilogy really take place around one event however to truly explain the implications of that event you have to find out a lot more about Q - now this I really enjoyed even if at times there were are lot of rather deductible "twists". That said there were some wonderful references to other stories and adventures and how they all fit loosely together. I have seen a lot said about how Star Trek does not respect continuity well in these books there is a lot of respect for that.

So why the mixed feelings. Well it seemed that there was a lot going on - enough to fill 3 books however in hindsight it felt a little too long especially since the events flowed almost continually from book in to the next- almost as if the series had been padded to fit the 3 books when in actual fact you could have condensed it and still had the same impact.

Now maybe I am being too critical - after all I did enjoy it and feel that these books fit my opinion and experiences of the TV series but I did get to points where it was a case of ok enough of the justifications and explanations and get on with it.

That said the books I think do a great job of bringing Q alive - something that is no mean feat considering the power and the impossibility of the Q Continuum.
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Mr Ross BAYNE Strange to come across this, since I have just finished what turns out to be Book3 of a trilogy, and read it as a stand-alone volume, as I have with several Star Trek books to date ... and always felt [a little!] that I lacked something to hold them together - a spreadsheet of the books and what fits in where and when.
Oh well ... this was an involving tale, well written [I have written a review] - my only mild grumble with the Kindle edition I read was with the spelling and grammar errors, which I can cope with for sure, and do not detract. I guess that there will likely never be a timeline, maybe against the ethos of it all ...................

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