Tiera McMillian's Reviews > Blessed be the Wicked

Blessed be the Wicked by Kel Carpenter
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bookshelves: august-2019

Whew this series continues to keep me enthralled. Not only does it have an interesting and unique world/backstory/magic concept, I love this FMC. There is something going on here, something that has just barely been hinted at, I can't quite grasp it yet though I'm working on some ideas but I'm totally hooked as well as bound and determined to find some answers. There is nothing quite like a clever author that not only sucks a reader into their world but makes them a part of it by leaving little clues here and there. It makes all the difference between a reader, just reading a story, and a reader being really involved. Add this to a dark plot that is slowly revealing itself, characters that dabble more in gray areas than not, and mysteries piled on mysteries as to what this world hasn't yet revealed and you just have an instant hit with me.

We find ourselves all up in some drama in the pirate nation as the plot thickens. Waiting on an audience with the queen we become involved in a plot to drive a wedge between us and our new allies. The chemistry between Lazarus and Quinn continues to build. Quinn has some odd qualities for a person, she is kind of dry at times, almost naive but its not naivety, incredibly honesty.. she is almost alien in her observances and thoughts. I just really love her. We finally get some sneak peaks in Quinns past, not enough at all, but some hints at mystery. Quinn grows even stronger with her fear magic.

I was left with a ton of excitement and anticipation as well as this almost foreboding "oh what have we wrought" type feeling. As we slowly add characters to our group I am loving all the personality differences. Our newest addition Axe.. cheeky chit that she is. I can't wait to find out if any of my theories are correct or if I'm way off base.. September.. still so far away!
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Reading Progress

August 10, 2019 – Started Reading
August 10, 2019 – Shelved
August 18, 2019 – Shelved as: august-2019
August 18, 2019 – Finished Reading

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