TheSassyNerdBlog's Reviews > Longing to Hold

Longing to Hold by W.  Winters
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: top-2019-reads

I adored Seth and Laura, so when I found out there was a prelude to Hard to Love, I was all over it. I needed more. This book gives us a better look at the past, and how Laura and Seth's relationship came about. It shows us different sides to these characters that we had seen in Hard to Love. How Laura reacted to Seth wanting her to be his and only his. How shy she was at first and how determined Seth was to make her his. I didn't think I could love this couple any more than I already do, but this book proved that to be untrue.

It was full of emotions and a bit of angst and it did pull at my heartstrings. I was completely fixated on these two from the start, so to see how they came together and become each other... It was amazing to read.

Once again, Willow Winters flaws me with her ability to weave together her words and create a book that has me consumed beyond belief.

If you are reading this book first and haven't read Hard to Love and Desperate to Touch, IT IS A MUST, and they are already available to purchase. You will not be disappointed. Be prepared for one hell of a ride when it comes to these two. Ms. Winters does not hold back and that's one of the many reasons I love her work!

5 Stars!
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Reading Progress

December 3, 2019 – Started Reading
December 3, 2019 – Shelved
December 3, 2019 – Finished Reading
December 19, 2019 – Shelved as: top-2019-reads

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