Leighann's Reviews > The Housekeeper

The Housekeeper by Natalie Barelli
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bookshelves: mystery-thriller-suspense, 2020-read

I listened to the audiobook and stopped listening after 20 or so minutes. The narration was horrible. The main character is 24, but the narrator made her sound like a 45-year-old. A 29yo character sounded like an 8yo. And am older woman with a lisp sounded just ridiculous. The narration makes or breaks a book.

Because several people said that the plot surprised them, something difficult to do in a thriller these days, I gave it a second chance. The narration was still horrible, but I got through it. The story indeed took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

If the book had better narration I would have given it 4 stars. If you enjoy thrillers and read the book, it would probably be a better experience than I had listening to it.

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Reading Progress

January 11, 2020 – Started Reading
January 11, 2020 – Shelved
January 11, 2020 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller-suspense
January 11, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-read
January 11, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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Dawn Ellington Agreed to everything you said!

Lauren Youre right about the age thing! I read the book, not audio, but even still just based on dialogue I kept forgetting she was 24, I am 24 myself and definitely pictured her to be middle aged.

Lisa Spot on review! Btw.. That lisp got me too. Good God!

Desiderata 🤣 Your comments are hilarious! I was picturing Melissa McCarthy as Claire and that worked for me. But even though the narrator did sound a bit seasoned, I liked her a lot. I thought she did really well with women's voices.

message 5: by Ari (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ari Damoulakis You’re so right about the narrator of the audio book. Amazing how a publishing house can mess up so spectacularly with something important as that.

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