Emily May's Reviews > The Very Busy Spider

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
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bookshelves: for-the-kids, childrens

I'm not sure exactly what it is about this book, but my kids loved it! I picked it for my younger son who is not quite two, but my three-year-old was also very enthusiastic about it. I had to read it four times in a row. It's about animal noises and a spider that keeps on building her web and ignoring the mooing baaing neighing raucous around her. I'm not sure what the message is (don't talk to anyone and you'll be more productive? Lol) but that spider makes herself one fine web!
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January 13, 2020 – Shelved

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message 1: by Gulshan (new)

Gulshan Naqvee IAM liking all your reviews because I have an almost 2 year old son ..and he loves books

message 2: by Lucia (new)

Lucia I bought The Very Hungry Caterpillar by the same author the other day and my one year old is in love so we need to try this one as well :)

message 3: by Norah (new) - added it

Norah Here I recently bought the Hungry Caterpillar for my baby too! Was looking to get this one as well!

message 4: by Tuesday (new)

Tuesday This was one of my brother's favorites when he was small. I loved The Very Hungry Caterpillar by the same author when I was little. Good author for toddlers and young children!

Anniek I interpreted this as: life of about making your own choices!

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