sana's Reviews > Lightbringer

Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
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it was ok
bookshelves: fav-ships

update: 01/01/21

2 stars. looking back on it, this was way more underwhelming than i first thought. right from the very first scene of book one, we are made to believe that rielle dardenne is supposed to bring doom and be the main villain of the trilogy but unfortunately she does not live up to the hype in lightbringer. in a final book, you usually expect a lot of action, but this finale lacks in that department as well.

update: 06/13/20

considering this is the last book in the trilogy, it was slower than i was expecting it to be. this series has one of the best plots in fantasy and i'll always be glad to have read it, rielle and eliana's story is so beautiful, i couldn't help but cry while reading their scenes (they remind me of anakin skywalker and luke skywalker from star wars) but i'm really disappointed and sad at the bittersweet ending (more bitter than sweet to be honest). my favorite part of this series has always been rielle and eliana's arc (rielle especially) but this felt more like an audric and corien story until the very end. i'm having trouble coming to terms with the fact that this series is truly over because i'm left wanting more of rielle and eliana. and i'm really upset to see rielle's story become a tragedy. to me, she's always been the best thing about this series. the few simon and eliana scenes we get by the end though enjoyable were not enough. overall, compared to the last two books, this felt a little underwhelming.
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Reading Progress

February 27, 2020 – Shelved
February 27, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
June 11, 2020 – Started Reading
June 12, 2020 –
52.0% "corien upped his villain game omg"
June 13, 2020 – Finished Reading
October 5, 2021 – Shelved as: fav-ships

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