Cale's Reviews > Lumberjanes, Vol. 13: Indoor Recess

Lumberjanes, Vol. 13 by Kat Leyh
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really liked it

By stretching the definition of "inside" in a way that is very much in keeping for these characters, what sounds like a bottle episode manages to turn into one of their more active adventures. There are two stories going - one exploring oversized insects and dark paths below the camp, and the other a tabletop game that continuously grows in size and complexity. I enjoyed both plots a lot, although I think the game story gets the nod as the favored just because of Artemis' involvement.
The art, the characters, and the humor are all perfectly on point for the series, and it manages to pass along its upbeat messages of friendship, support, and positivity in as pleasant a method as always. Definitely recommended.
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March 8, 2020 – Started Reading
March 8, 2020 – Finished Reading
March 15, 2020 – Shelved

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