Dan Schwent's Reviews > The Fox: Fox Hunt

The Fox by Dean Haspiel
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bookshelves: 2020, 2020-comics

Someone has put a million dollar bounty on The Fox's head and his Rogue's Gallery is coming to collect. What's a freak magnet to do? Complicating matters is another super hero, The Ghost Fox...

The Fox: Freak Magnet was fantastic so I had to snap this one up. Fortunately, the Archie store was/is having a 50% off sale.

This one is a little more down to earth, a little more street level than Freak Magnet was. Paul Patton Jr. is trying to put The Fox behind him when trouble strikes in the form of a million dollar bounty. Couple that with his son Shinji wanting to follow in his footsteps and things get hairy in a hurry.

Dean Haspiel's art is some of the most expressive in super hero comics, probably because that's not all Haspiel draws or draws from. The Fox's eyes and ears are used to convey emotions despite his full face mask. I love Haspiel's retro yet timeless art style.

Once again, Haspiel and Waid use the technique of starting each issue en medias res, in the midst of the action, before backtracking to where the previous issue left off. Since the Fox frequently ends up out of his depth without immediately realizing why or how, this technique is perfect for the Fox's adventures. The family drama in this storyline elevates it above Freak Magnet in my opinion. Still, there's lots of super villain punching fun to be had.

The Fox: Fox Hunt is ten issues of fun crammed into a five issue package. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Reading Progress

March 29, 2020 – Started Reading
March 29, 2020 – Shelved
March 29, 2020 –
page 25
March 29, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020
March 29, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-comics
March 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

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