Lily's Reviews > Rogues

Rogues by Ava March
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bookshelves: auidible-escape, historical, m-m-romance

Like its predecessors this book has a good concept but keeps a simplicity that prevents it from being anything other than an 'OK experience'. Anderson and Radcliffe have been fuck buddies for a decade. Both are notorious man-whores. But Anderson decides he wants to be exclusive with Radcliffe. A lot of non-conversation happens. They finally have a conversation and then HEA. Pretty simple plot. Yeah, I see now why this series was free on Audible Escapes.
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Reading Progress

June 4, 2020 – Started Reading
June 5, 2020 – Finished Reading
June 6, 2020 – Shelved as: auidible-escape
June 6, 2020 – Shelved
June 6, 2020 – Shelved as: m-m-romance
June 6, 2020 – Shelved as: historical

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message 1: by Devy B (new)

Devy B Fuck buddied and menhirs!! Me : running away 😁
Major major pet peeves !!

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