Sarah's Reviews > Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket by Erin McLellan
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it was amazing

I was given a copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

This is a sexy, steamy read. A second chance romance, the connection between Rosie and Leo is playful and sweet. Straddling the line between romance and erotica, this is a fun, sex positive book that follows kindergarten teacher Rosie as she acts out her fantasies and explores her kinks.

The whole premise of the kindergarten teacher falling for an erotic artist made me smile. I love how this series happily challenges tired erotica cliches and allows readers to explore less traditional kinks alongside the characters. In this book, Rosie gets to explore her dominant side and Leo’s bisexuality is definitely a thing - but not an issue for either of them. I really love all the sex toy play in this series and I love that the men get to be as excited about toys as the women.

This book is a perfect summer read. The history between Leo and Rosie is sweet while their reconnection is hot. While this is probably more erotica than romance, there is enough story and character development to make the characters feel real and very lovable. This feels like erotica for a woke Millenial/Gen Z audience and it is miles away from the cheesy and often problematic ‘50 Shades’ style of writing I tend to associate with the genre.
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Reading Progress

June 13, 2020 – Started Reading
June 13, 2020 – Shelved
June 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

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