soli's Reviews > The Bridal Hunt

The Bridal Hunt by Jeanette Lynn
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did not like it

What. The freak. Did I just read.

I can’t. I can’t. I just can’t. Would give this 0 stars if I could. I normally don’t rate/review books that I don’t finish because I feel like it’s not fair of me to rate something I didn’t make an earnest attempt to get through. I’ve more or less skimmed through a lottt of books or read only chunks of them, and I haven’t left ratings for them because I didn’t read the whole thing. But this...

I tried. Honestly, I tried. And I swear I didn’t even make it through the very first scene. Not exaggerating, I stopped before the first scene was even over. And despite some of the other reviews, I am in NO way inclined to skim through to see if it magically gets any better. I have NO desire to even try to barrel through this.

The writing is atrocious. Incredibly juvenile, reads like *bad* fanfic (I want to make the distinction between good and bad clear. I am in no way demeaning fanfic—I read and write it myself!), riddled with cliches left and right (i.e. OW is skinny and so, of course, is called a skeleton, OW calls MC fat, yada yada), and unbelievable, unrealistic, and downright laughable dialogue. And the overly enthusiastic punctuation. Oh, my poor eyes. I understand there’s more allowance for these things when it’s 1st person POV, but I’ve never been a fan of the obnoxious overuse of the exclamation point in books. Again, my poor eyes.

So, SO disappointed. The premise sounded intriguing and I was really looking forward to it. Look, I love my erotica and steamy romances. But I also like good writing. Not just like—NEED. And these two things combined are very much possible. Harder to find, unfortunately, because of all the garbage out there to sort through, but they exist, and I want to sing their praises to the skies whenever I find a well-written one because I know how rare they are. This...this ain’t it.

Now please excuse me, I need to go rinse out my eyes. That, or just gouge them out along with the chunk of my brain that houses any memory of ever setting eyes on this book.
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June 8, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
June 8, 2020 – Shelved

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