Hanna's Reviews > Sacrifice

Sacrifice by Sadie Moss
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really liked it
bookshelves: rh-ménage

Interesting take on the "virgin sacrifice". It's almost a bit like a story that starts after "and they lived happily ever after"...
I really like Sage, she's feisty, a hunter and at the same time compassionate and caring. She can admit mistakes and is willing to learn. I also like Callum, Echo and Paris. Can't wait to find out more about them, there backstories and stuff.
I prefer harems like this where the guys get along, where they either already are a brotherhood/team/unit of sorts or they become one throughout the book. Unlike some where it's more like the FMC has a separate relationships with each of the guys, but they don't have any connection/relationship to each other.
Decent world and story building, I like that she created her own world, mythology, set of gods, etc. Had a few too many disappointing re-tellings lately that have put me off the classics for a bit.
The one thing I find takes some getting used to is when the author is writing in present tense, it sounds weird to me and can get a bit confusing at times as it is harder to stay consistent in that tense and as a consequence to keep the story itself straight.

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Reading Progress

August 13, 2020 – Shelved
September 13, 2020 – Started Reading
September 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

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