Erin's Reviews > Maiden Flight

Maiden Flight by Bianca D'Arc
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did not like it
Read 2 times. Last read March 27, 2022 to March 29, 2022.

** spoiler alert ** This book is an interesting world written badly. The concept was intriguing, but was ultimately let down by shoddy writing and a complete lack of plot.
The perspective kept shifting and for the first chunk did actually follow the main girl and first guy, but quickly devolved when it became more her mother’s story. And guy two didn’t even factor in until it was revealed to the oblivious girl she would need to marry two guys. It was mentioned in the blurb it was a m/f/m story but in story it felt shoehorned, like a last minute thought to make up for the fact NOTHING WAS HAPPENING!
Zero character development and absolutely no chemistry besides “INSTA-LOVE” and the guys basically emotionally and sexually manipulated her into complying with the threesome relationship. She literally just went along with it because her vagina and libido told her to.
Also the one big thing that could have been considered plot didn’t even happen to her. Again it was her mother taking centre stage when her story is supposed to be in book 2, so why was half book 1 in her perspective when we were meant to be following the blossoming relationship her daughter was having with two dragon knights? I honestly have no clue.

Also this world’s religion seems to play an important part (because they keep thanking the Mother for pretty much everything), but nothing is really explained. I mean there don’t seem to be any sort of religious practices that would usually be practiced by knights, or there would be if this story were being based on actual knights and not just convenient for the story knights. In fact nothing is explained besides; dragons exist, there’s a young king, noble knights, a vaguely medieval world and an newly evil neighbouring kingdom who have giant man-eating snakes they’re starting to train to start the supposed war. Snakes vs. Dragons basically. Also what the average John knows about dragons is never made clear either, I mean most societies would want to know more about the people protecting them and would at the very least know some information/the basics about them through societal osmosis, or the rumour mill. Also the king is mentioned but never really factors in.

If you like meet cute-insta love with no substance, no plot and said meet cute-insta love being basically abandoned halfway through this is your book otherwise don’t bother.

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Reading Progress

September 3, 2020 – Started Reading
September 4, 2020 – Shelved
September 4, 2020 –
September 5, 2020 – Finished Reading
March 27, 2022 – Started Reading
March 29, 2022 – Finished Reading

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