Oliver's Reviews > Ghosts of Tomorrow
Ghosts of Tomorrow
Ghosts of Tomorrow is a book that stands in a very interesting place as it did so many things well and yet I just could not enjoy myself. The writing was solid, the plot was thrilling and I loved the worldbuilding. I even liked it so much that at the start I was more than certain that this book would be getting either 4 or 5 stars. Everything felt completely right and I was pulled in by the cyberpunk atmosphere and then the author started switching PoVs. I swear it felt to me like any time I got remotely interested in someone the author swapped a PoV and moved on with someone else. Over time this irked me so badly that even though the novel is solid I could not enjoy any other aspects because I did not build up an attachment to most of the cast. We were getting new people to follow even in the last fifth of the book and it was just too overwhelming for me. Now despite this I think the groundwork is super solid and I am more than certain that other people would love this book but it just was not for me.
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