Diane Yannick's Reviews > The Sum of Our Days

The Sum of Our Days by Isabel Allende
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Read 2 times. Last read January 13, 2021.

Isabel Allende is an author who knows how to write AND live a full life. In this memoir, which is post Paula, she takes us on some of her many adventures and lets us into her soul. Although there were times when I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of people in her “tribe”, she needed to introduce us so that we could see her outreach. Her generosity and tolerance for drama were admirable. Her possessiveness about her grandkids was over the top. She used therapists, fortune tellers, ancient rituals and challenging trips for her personal clarity. She figured out ways to keep her family intact and incorporate others into her tribe. Her memories of her daughter Paula were etched into her soul and shaped her actions. Not for one day did she forget her life and death.

The insights into her writing research and habits were interesting. Starting a new book every year on Jan. 8th both centered and frustrated her. Her research and contemplation before beginning a book was extensive and seemed to pay high dividends. I totally agree with her comments about writing children’s books. Publishers try to protect children from the ‘evil’ in life that many of them have already experienced. Their emphasis on positive messages insults middle age children’s ability to find their own messages.

Isabel and Willie’s relationship was a constant that I found very endearing. His patience and love for his extended family were admirable. Their gradual, deep appreciation of each other was beautifully written. Thanks for letting us into your world.
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January 13, 2021 – Shelved
January 13, 2021 – Finished Reading

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