Hallie Brand's Reviews > Good Apple: Tales of a Southern Evangelical in New York

Good Apple by Elizabeth Passarella
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it was ok

I want to write a positive review for this book, if only because I know writers take these things to heart. But also because I loved the trailer I saw on a Facebook ad enough to order it immediately from my local bookstore. Elizabeth seems lovely. But this book drove me crazy. It felt like she thought she would only get one chance at a book deal and so she threw it all in here — instead of believing for 3-5 books over the next few years. There was no clear point she was trying to make, beyond that it’s “okay” to be a Christian democrat that once lived in the south but now loves New York? After not living in the south for 20+ years, her perspective of southerners felt whiny — and I was especially bothered about how she talked about her mom with little nuance. Elizabeth could be a talented writer, but this needed a better editor.
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January 18, 2021 – Started Reading
January 24, 2021 – Shelved
January 25, 2021 – Finished Reading

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