Haingo's Reviews > One Drop: Shifting the Lens on Race

One Drop by Yaba Blay
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it was amazing

So many teachable moments on Race

Insightful read, I couldn't put this book down. It's really challenging to normative perceptions on race and on what we believe being light skinned is and the experience. I would make this essential reading in schools and in DEI workshops. To be able to read this book, one has to have an open mind and be ready to be challenged on your own myths and prejudices. Every person interviewed had great lessons to share and with the utmost vulnerability, this is thanks to the format that the author chose to use. Thank you to Dr. Yaba Blay for centering these stories and for casting a wider net to the black community across the world. My only critique would be that it doesn't center narratives on French colonies and former colonies, I understand the language barrier, but French colonialism has damaged so many people of African descent and Africans alike far and wide and its impact is still left to be documented at this human level.

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Reading Progress

March 13, 2021 – Started Reading
March 13, 2021 – Shelved
June 23, 2021 – Finished Reading

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