Holly B (slower pace!)'s Reviews > Good Rich People

Good Rich People by Eliza Jane Brazier
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bookshelves: disturbing-content, domestic-suspense, horror-ish, read-in-2021

2.5 Stars

I'm still trying to figure out what I just read.....

My second by the author and it is completely over the top and quite dark and disturbing. The concept of a wealthy family playing a very twisted game that involves murder is NOT going to be everyone's cup of tea!

The characters didn't feel authentic to me, but rather pretentious and fake, which is probably a good thing because it gave it a more satirical feel. They were so awful I didn't want them to be "real people".

I'm actually glad they cut their heads out in the cover! Hmm...... not sure what else to say about this one. I'm at a loss for words.

This book goes to the extremes - She may have been going for a dark comedy, but it didn't work well for me.

If you are looking for something exaggerated, twisted, evilish (made that word up), wicked and chaotic than you will find it here.

Thanks to the publisher and NG for my early review copy. OUT Jan 25, 2022
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Reading Progress

July 30, 2021 – Shelved
July 30, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
December 26, 2021 – Started Reading
December 26, 2021 –
December 27, 2021 –
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: disturbing-content
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: domestic-suspense
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: horror-ish
December 28, 2021 – Shelved as: read-in-2021
December 28, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 80 (80 new)

Michael David (on hiatus) This was definitely not my cup of cappuccino. Sounds like it worked a tad better for you, Holly! Fantastic review!

message 2: by Jayme (new)

Jayme I didn’t enjoy her last effort so definitely not giving the author another try with this one! Yikes! Great review!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Thanks for this thoughtful review, Holls!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Michael wrote: "This was definitely not my cup of cappuccino. Sounds like it worked a tad better for you, Holly! Fantastic review!"

Truly awful people in this one! I'm glad its behind me now. Thanks Michael!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Jayme wrote: "I didn’t enjoy her last effort so definitely not giving the author another try with this one! Yikes! Great review!"

Yikes is right on this one!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Thanks for this thoughtful review, Holls!"

Thanks Jenni! I had a hard time with this plot!

message 7: by Regina (new)

Regina Nope, not for me anymore. Thanks for the heads up on this one... I will pass! xo

message 8: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Hanes Great review as always! This doesn’t sound like my cup of tea either, I think I’ll skip this one as well. Happy New Year and Happy Reading to you! 🎊

message 9: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Terrific review Holly! Sorry this one didn’t work for you!😕💖

Holly  B (slower pace!) Regina wrote: "Nope, not for me anymore. Thanks for the heads up on this one... I will pass! xo"

Thanks Regina! I wish I would have passed!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Rachel wrote: "Great review as always! This doesn’t sound like my cup of tea either, I think I’ll skip this one as well. Happy New Year and Happy Reading to you! 🎊"

It wasn't a good match for me, Happy New Years Rachel!!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kaceey wrote: "Terrific review Holly! Sorry this one didn’t work for you!😕💖"

Thanks Kaceey, I should have passed, oh well! Onto the next....

Kelly (and the Book Boar) Sorry this ended up being a flop for you.

Melissa (Always Behind) Ugh ugh ugh. I allowed myself to be sucked in to download this one knowing that I didn't like the author's previous book. I am crossing my fingers that I will like it more than you did but not holding out much hope for that. Great review.

message 15: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Holly! Hmm sorry this one fell a bit short. Hope you love your next one! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "Sorry this ended up being a flop for you."

Thanks Kelly, those people were too crazy for me!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Melissa (LifeFullyBooked) wrote: "Ugh ugh ugh. I allowed myself to be sucked in to download this one knowing that I didn't like the author's previous book. I am crossing my fingers that I will like it more than you did but not hold..."

I know Melissa! I could have kicked myself, but I am curious about what your thoughts will be!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Yun wrote: "Great review, Holly! Hmm sorry this one fell a bit short. Hope you love your next one! :)"

I am so far, thanks Yun, Happy New Year!

message 19: by JaymeO (new)

JaymeO Great review, Holly! Sorry this didn’t work for you. I didn’t love her last book, so was hesitant about this one. Sounds like I’m not missing anything! Thanks for the warning!

Tina Loves To Read Great Review. I am sorry it did not work for you. It does not sound like something I will like, so I am glad I did not request this book.

message 21: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Sorry this wasn’t great for you Holly ! Great review !

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Thank you for your review--I was seriously considering this one. I will definitely pass. I hope your next book is much more enjoyable!

message 23: by JanB (new)

JanB I think I’ll pass! Thanks for an honest review Holly!

message 24: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Yikes! Good to know, thanks for the honest review. I hated the first book and I think I’ll pass on this one, but happy New Years and new better books!🥳🥳

message 25: by NILTON (new)

NILTON TEIXEIRA Good honest review, Holly! I hope that your next book will make you forget about this one.

Holly  B (slower pace!) JaymeO wrote: "Great review, Holly! Sorry this didn’t work for you. I didn’t love her last book, so was hesitant about this one. Sounds like I’m not missing anything! Thanks for the warning!"

Thanks Jayme! It is just a lot of horrible people. Happy New Year~

Holly  B (slower pace!) Tina wrote: "Great Review. I am sorry it did not work for you. It does not sound like something I will like, so I am glad I did not request this book."

It does have some good reviews, but not my cup of tea! Happy New Year Tina!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Lucy wrote: "Sorry this wasn’t great for you Holly ! Great review !"

Thanks Lucy!!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Meredith wrote: "Thank you for your review--I was seriously considering this one. I will definitely pass. I hope your next book is much more enjoyable!"

I would be curious to your thoughts! But can't recommend, Happy New Year Meredith!

Holly  B (slower pace!) JanB wrote: "I think I’ll pass! Thanks for an honest review Holly!"

I wish I had too, Thanks Jan and Happy New Year!

message 31: by Jade (new)

Jade Saul Great review

message 32: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson Thanks for this very informative review, Holly. I'm so glad I didn't download this one...phew! What a stinker and I'm hoping your current read is a winner. Happy New Year!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Carolyn wrote: "Yikes! Good to know, thanks for the honest review. I hated the first book and I think I’ll pass on this one, but happy New Years and new better books!🥳🥳"

Thanks Carolyn!

Holly  B (slower pace!) NILTON wrote: "Good honest review, Holly! I hope that your next book will make you forget about this one."

I'm trying hard to forget it!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Jayson wrote: "Great review"

Thanks Jayson!

Crystal I have this one pre-ordered on Audible, so I hope I like it more than you did! I'm in the minority here, but I actually loved If I Disappear.

Holly  B (slower pace!) Crystal wrote: "I have this one pre-ordered on Audible, so I hope I like it more than you did! I'm in the minority here, but I actually loved If I Disappear."

I enjoyed that one too! Which is why I wanted this one. I do hope you get more enjoyment from the audio, its just that the people were so awful!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Terrie wrote: "Thanks for this very informative review, Holly. I'm so glad I didn't download this one...phew! What a stinker and I'm hoping your current read is a winner. Happy New Year!"

Thanks a bunch Terrie!

Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) Helpful, honest review, Holly! This is one of those rare reviews where the points of criticism are actually piquing my interest more. Funny how that works out sometimes!

Happy New Years 🥂

message 40: by Kat (new)

Kat Great review, Holly! I'm gonna incorporate the word "evilish" into my vocabulary. I love made up words. 😉 Sorry this disappointed!

message 41: by Christina (new)

Christina “What did I just read?” is never fun! Thanks for the warning and great review as always!

message 42: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Oh wow a book to forget Holly great review hope your next is a winner happy new year 🥳 to you.🍾

preoccupiedbybooks Sorry this didn't work out for you Holly, I hope your next is better! x

Holly  B (slower pace!) Derek wrote: "Helpful, honest review, Holly! This is one of those rare reviews where the points of criticism are actually piquing my interest more. Funny how that works out sometimes!

Happy New Years 🥂"

HNY and Cheers Derek!! I'd love to read your review of this one! haha, the characters were the worst ever, but whoah the games they played!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Kat (on semi-hiatus for a bit) wrote: "Great review, Holly! I'm gonna incorporate the word "evilish" into my vocabulary. I love made up words. 😉 Sorry this disappointed!"

Seems like it should be a word, haha. Thanks Kat!!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Christina wrote: "“What did I just read?” is never fun! Thanks for the warning and great review as always!"

I wish I'd passed!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Lisa wrote: "Oh wow a book to forget Holly great review hope your next is a winner happy new year 🥳 to you.🍾"

Thanks Lisa! Off to a great start and Happy New Year!

Holly  B (slower pace!) preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Sorry this didn't work out for you Holly, I hope your next is better! x"

Fingers crossed!

message 49: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle I've been on the fence with this one but I think your review just convinced me to skip this. Fantastic review, Holly! 💙

Holly  B (slower pace!) Michelle wrote: "I've been on the fence with this one but I think your review just convinced me to skip this. Fantastic review, Holly! 💙"

Hope you enjoy it more if you give it a try!

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