Darcey's Reviews > Slippery Creatures

Slippery Creatures by K.J. Charles
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really liked it
bookshelves: historical, book-boyfriends, lgbtq-etc, mystery, realistic-fic, guilty-pleasures

this was cute and funny and addictive and light and i loved it! the perfect read during exams to distract me briefly, but not completely take over my mind. so good!
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Reading Progress

October 30, 2021 – Started Reading
October 30, 2021 – Shelved
October 31, 2021 – Shelved as: historical
October 31, 2021 – Shelved as: book-boyfriends
October 31, 2021 – Shelved as: lgbtq-etc
October 31, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
October 31, 2021 – Shelved as: realistic-fic
October 31, 2021 – Finished Reading
December 6, 2021 – Shelved as: guilty-pleasures

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Aoife - Bookish_Babbling I loved this series, cannot wait for your thoughts if you pick up the other books 🤩

Darcey @Aoife ooo I’ll definitely try and continue the series if you say the other books are good!! Glad you loved it 🥰

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 it'll be as fun a time for you as it was for me, these two were hot mess expresses at times but boy did i enjoy the ride 🤣

Thanks so much for accepting my FR, your updates/reviews often pop up on my feed and I've been meaning for ages to connect as I love how you talk book!
Apologies in advance if I spam your notifications in the coming days as I catch up on our overlapping reads - I'll try not to be obnoxious & inundate you with comments...sadly i can make no promises on likes 🤗

paige (ptsungirl) I loved this one so much! Such a sweet little story, I want to pick up the next one if I can find it somewhere easy.

Darcey Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 it'll be as fun a time for you as it was for me, these two were hot mess expresses at times but boy did i enjoy the ride 🤣

Thanks so much for accepting my FR, your updates/reviews often pop..."

hahaha well it definitely sounds like so much fun, so i'll have to continue the series this year!!

and thank you so much for requesting me, that's so sweet and i can see that we have heaps of books in common, so i can't wait to see you around goodreads!! please feel free to comment as much as you want haha, i'd love to connect with you more 💞🤗

Darcey paige (ptsungirl) wrote: "I loved this one so much! Such a sweet little story, I want to pick up the next one if I can find it somewhere easy."

yesss definitely super adorable and so much fun, i think i'll do the same!! hopefully you love the sequel when you get a chance to read it <3

paige (ptsungirl) Found it on libby pretty fast & looking forward to the day it speaks to me so I can keep going!! Same for you 🥹

Darcey paige (ptsungirl) wrote: "Found it on libby pretty fast & looking forward to the day it speaks to me so I can keep going!! Same for you 🥹"

yayyyy yesss keep me updated!! and thank you lovely 💞

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