CarolG's Reviews > The Unraveling

The Unraveling by Vi Keeland
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it was amazing
bookshelves: netgalley, all-reads-challenge2024, netgalley-challenge2024, favorites

The book blurb desribes this as a "chilling, sizzling, and addictive thriller" which "follows a New York psychiatrist’s dark descent into dangerous obsession". And that's all I'm going to say. I recommend going into this without too much preconception.

Oh.My.God.! I've read some really good books lately but it's been a while since I came across one that grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and wouldn't let me go. I could've stayed up all night reading it but forced myself to read some of another book to get calmed down. I was on tenterhooks trying to figure out where the story was going and whether I was misinterpreting parts of it. Now this book isn't perfect by any stretch but I was totally immersed and entertained. The main characters are unlikeable and there are a couple of really steamy scenes that I could've done without but the suspense made up for it. As other reviewers have mentioned, Meredith (the psychiatrist) tends to overindulge in the wine and I found myself thirsting for a glass or two! I waffled between 4 and 5 stars but decided it deserved 5 stars from me.

My thanks to Atria Books via Netgalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this novel and my apologies for missing the publication date. All opinions expressed are my own.
Publication Date: July 9, 2024

PS. Don't despair! This book is available free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription (in Canada anyway!).
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Reading Progress

March 3, 2024 – Shelved
March 3, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
June 11, 2024 – Shelved as: netgalley
July 23, 2024 – Started Reading
July 25, 2024 –
July 26, 2024 –
73.0% "I may have to stay up late tonight to finish. I'm really invested!"
July 26, 2024 – Finished Reading
July 27, 2024 – Shelved as: all-reads-challenge2024
July 27, 2024 – Shelved as: netgalley-challenge2024
July 27, 2024 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments (showing 1-22)

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message 22: by JaymeO (new) - added it

JaymeO Terrific review Carol! I was on the fence with this book but think I will give it a try now! Glad you enjoyed it!

message 21: by Star (new) - added it

Star Gater You hooked me. That is so nice of you to apologize. I'm getting closer 😄 I stopped seeing the archive date.

CarolG JaymeO wrote: "Terrific review Carol! I was on the fence with this book but think I will give it a try now! Glad you enjoyed it!"

Thanks Jayme. I hope you enjoy it too.

CarolG Star wrote: "You hooked me. That is so nice of you to apologize. I'm getting closer 😄 I stopped seeing the archive date."

Thanks Star. I hope you like it if you get to it. I'm always conscious of the expiry date but I'm still behind.

Kat I'm glad you enjoyed it too, Carol! Fantastic review! 💗

message 17: by Karly (new)

Karly Fantastic review Carol 🩷 I heard there were spicy scenes in this and it put me off. I did start reading it but I wasn’t captivated (mood reading strikes again 🤣) I might have to go back!!

message 16: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Kline Wow. Running to get this!

message 15: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Kline Unfortunately, it's not available any more on NetGalley, I'll have to wait until it comes out.

CarolG Kat wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it too, Carol! Fantastic review! 💗"

Thanks Kat!

CarolG Karly wrote: "Fantastic review Carol 🩷 I heard there were spicy scenes in this and it put me off. I did start reading it but I wasn’t captivated (mood reading strikes again 🤣) I might have to go back!!"

Thanks Karly. If you look at the covers of some of her other books you could probably guess she likes the spice. Truthfully it didn't bother me as much as the spice in The Widow on Dwyer Court. I hope you give it another try.

CarolG Jenny wrote: "Unfortunately, it's not available any more on NetGalley, I'll have to wait until it comes out."

That's too bad. It should be out now and I hope you manage to get a copy.

message 11: by Lady Clementina (new)

Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore Love that enthusiastic review, Carol! It's wonderful when a book really grabs one like that. Like you, I'm not a fan of steamy scenes but if they are few enough or the suspense threads make it worthwhile, I can bear with them (or skim, ha ha)

message 10: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit Good review, Carol…..glad you loved it!

CarolG Lady Clementina wrote: "Love that enthusiastic review, Carol! It's wonderful when a book really grabs one like that. Like you, I'm not a fan of steamy scenes but if they are few enough or the suspense threads make it wort..."

Thanks Lady C. I'm the same!

CarolG Paromjit wrote: "Good review, Carol…..glad you loved it!"

Thanks Paromjit.

Melissa (Always Behind) Ok! I have added to my KU list. Excellent review!

Ceecee This sounds great! Going to see if it’s available on KU here! Terrific review Carol

Ceecee It’s not ☹️

CarolG Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) wrote: "Ok! I have added to my KU list. Excellent review!"

Thanks Melissa. I hope you lkike it when you get to it.

CarolG Ceecee wrote: "It’s not ☹️"

Ceecee wrote: "This sounds great! Going to see if it’s available on KU here! Terrific review Carol"

That's too bad Ceecee but I hope you get to read it sometime. Thanks!

Tina So glad you really loved this one too. It was gripping! Great review Carol!

CarolG Tina wrote: "So glad you really loved this one too. It was gripping! Great review Carol!"

Thanks Tina. So happy that we both enjoyed it. Quite often I feel like I'm an outlier!

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