Michelle's Reviews > Holy Frigging Matrimony
Holy Frigging Matrimony (Tangled, #1.5)
This was a little 40 page story that gives us fast forward to the future. I have to agree with some of the reviews that this partly ruins part of Dee's story that is set to take place in book three, so seeing how Emma Chase will work that book in with this will be interesting.
This was Drew at his best, all smart ass. The guy you love so much you have to stifle the urge to punch him his his adorable face. Since this is one of those shorts that your really can't go into because it will ruin it for those that haven't read it, I will just say that it makes me crave the next book even more.
And overall, I am not sure if I really like Dee at all. I hope her friendly concerns can morph from overall bitchy for no reason to protective friend over the next few books.
This was Drew at his best, all smart ass. The guy you love so much you have to stifle the urge to punch him his his adorable face. Since this is one of those shorts that your really can't go into because it will ruin it for those that haven't read it, I will just say that it makes me crave the next book even more.
And overall, I am not sure if I really like Dee at all. I hope her friendly concerns can morph from overall bitchy for no reason to protective friend over the next few books.
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rated it 5 stars
Dec 05, 2013 12:07AM
And about Dee's characters I believe that in the first one I liked her, but here I just didn't.
And I'm also pretty sure that she will have something to do with a future breakup/riff between Drew and Katie in the next book! ¬¬
I don't get why the next book has to be so far away!!
And about Dee's characters I believe that in the first one I liked her, but here I just didn't.
And I'm also pretty sure that she will have something to do..."
March is too long of a wait! I have that same feeling. I wanted to slap her so many times in this.
:) Makes for great foreplay!
Please let there a lot of Drew/Kate in it - fingers and toes crossed, tee hee