Kemper's Reviews > The Fireman

The Fireman by Joe Hill
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it was ok
bookshelves: 2016, apocalypse-now, germs-viruses, horror, damn-dirty-hippies, spooky-powers

Well, that was a spoonful of nonsense.

It had a promising start with the outbreak of a disease known as Dragonscale which first manifests as dark marks on the skin. Getting a free tribal tattoo might not sound that bad, but the real problem is that eventually infected people burst into flames and burn to death. The damage caused by walking blowtorches and the fear of being infected have society teetering on the brink of collapse.

Harper is a young nurse who discovers that she has contracted Dragonscale and she’s pregnant. If that isn’t bad enough her jerk-face husband Jakob goes coocoo for Coco-Puffs and thinks they should just kill themselves. During a desperate moment Harper finds help in the form of a mysterious guy dressed as a fireman who leads her to a hidden community of infected people who have found a way to survive the disease. Unfortunately, discord within that group proves as dangerous as the vigilante Cremation Squads that have started murdering the infected.

It’s a strong premise, but unfortunately there’s a number of factors that drag it down. First and foremost is that it’s way too long. Hill can’t seem to commit to one main story, and he keeps adding on to it like a late-night TV commercial promising, “But that’s not all!” This causes a lot of drift with a long swath of the book not even touching on what’s going on in the outside world and forgetting what should be major characters for long periods of time. It’s also like one of those action movies that never seems to know when to end that goes on 20 minutes past the point where it should have wrapped things up.

I also wasn’t a fan of Harper, and since this whole story is built on the idea of a plucky heroine trying to survive a civilization ending plague then I needed to have at least have some respect for her. Unfortunately, she comes across as twit who never seems to wise up until something terrible happens. Which it does. Repeatedly. I lost count of the number of times where she is shocked by the bad intentions of someone and says things like, “You can’t!” It’s the apocalype, lady. They can, and they will. Her infatuation with Mary Poppins, and Hill’s constant use of it and its songs are also way overdone.

In fact, there’s just too much goddamn music in this book overall with constant quoting of lyrics and talking about various musicians. It's a crutch Hill leans on far too often. Plus, it’s all Jurassic Rock with a smattering of ‘80s pop in there with even an old VJ from MTV having a role to play. It’s 2016, Joe Hill. I don’t need your main character, who is supposedly in her early twenties, lecturing me on what the preference for the Rolling Stones or the Beatles says about a person.

Another piece that flies off this jalopy of a book once it gets up to speed is the nature of the disease itself. There’s a lot of effort spent to convince us that there is a rational scientific reason that people would turn into Zippos, and I can suspend disbelief enough to go with that concept. But when more and more is added to the point where we’re into ideas like people being able to generate and control fire without their clothes burning and even more weirdness then you don’t need Neal deGrasse Tyson to call bullshit on it. Just as he couldn’t seem to commit to one story or another Hill can’t seem to decide if he wanted a more grounded concept with some science behind it or if he wanted to jump full-on into the supernatural pool.

Hill also opted to run home to Daddy in this because the entire book is absolutely rotten with Easter eggs of Stephen King’s work. A few references can be fun, but when Hill essentially ‘borrows’ a character from The Stand including a cute little name trick to underline it then it’s crossed the line. (Harold Cross? For a character who is essentially Harold Lauder? That's weak.*) After a while it started to seem desperate, as if Hill knew things weren’t going well and hoped he might use fan familiarity of his father's books to invoke some of his magic. Hill also seems to have inherited his father’s trait of having a bunch of characters claim that they’re are critically short of time only to have them waste most of it with idle chit-chat and banter that is supposed to be funny and make you like the characters. It’s not, and it doesn’t.

So at this point Hill is 2 for 4 with me, and after this I’m going to need a really good reason to pick up his next one.

* And I didn't think about this until I read Edward Lorn's review where he pointed out that there's also a deaf character named Nick. Come on, Joe Hill. You're better than that.
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Comments Showing 51-72 of 72 (72 new)

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message 51: by Mehrban (new) - added it

Mehrban Sawhney I just gave up on the book - Harper annoyed me - lord of the flies kind of feel - very disappointed

Thomas I needed several spoons of sugar to make this medicine go down. Yes 2 stars. It feels like what if The Stand would have been a shitty book.

Donna Great review. I totally agree. I wasted 2 months of my life trudging my way through. Yeah, 2 months. That's how difficult it was for me too read this awful book.

Ashley I love this book, but your review makes me LOL. You pegged it right. I didn't mind Harper or The Fireman, but I was hoping for a bit more of a connection between them and I. That said, I ate this up ;)

message 55: by Alex (new)

Alex It's currently $1.99 for an ebook. Is it worth it or would it be better to just let this one go?

Kemper Alex wrote: "It's currently $1.99 for an ebook. Is it worth it or would it be better to just let this one go?"

I don't think it's worth the time even if it was free.

message 57: by Alex (new)

Alex Kemper wrote: "Alex wrote: "It's currently $1.99 for an ebook. Is it worth it or would it be better to just let this one go?"

I don't think it's worth the time even if it was free."

Well thanks for the advice!

Haselrig The funny thing about The Fireman is that it's such a mish-mash of other stories, that you've practically read it already :)

message 59: by Doug (new)

Doug Kemper wrote: "I don't think it's worth the time even if it was free."

It's funny you say that, I was at the airport on a business trip last week and couldn't decide between this and The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. Glad I went with Pops, although that's also a pretty mixed bag. But, for free, I'm enjoying it well enough.

message 60: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas Chalmers I'm with you 100%. I kept trying to get into this and the intro was promising, what with a protagonist with a maniacal husband and the world order imploding. Then... some crazy shit about a summer camp, and the politics of the camp.... I felt like the compulsive "need to fit in" which was a cool theme attached to the camp was underutilized as a tension-builder and the whole thing fell flat. Plus so much unbelievable miraculous powers.

So frustrating when you have an author who can pull off a N0S4R2 - one of my favorite all time books...

Amy Savvides Thank you, I'm 55% through and wasn't sure I could be bothered to read the rest. You've managed to solidify my feelings about it so far.

message 62: by Ken (new)

Ken My thoughts exactly.

message 63: by Zachary (new)

Zachary K I'm 7/8 of the way through and the most cowardly act imaginable has been perpetrated by the young nurse Poppins and I'm debating slogging on. I think a better title would be "Naive do gooder luckily doesn't blunder into her's and everyone around her death during and unlikely apocalypse"

message 64: by Joe (new) - rated it 2 stars

Joe I couldn't agree more with this review. I don't think I'll ever watch Mary Poppins again

message 65: by Nona (new) - rated it 2 stars

Nona Williams Well said! I didn't like Harper or any of the characters, really. I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to read this book and I'm glad I gave up on it when I did. Was his editor on drugs?

message 66: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer This book was 300 pages too long.

Renée Popat This review was spot on! I managed to trudge through the entire thing, and was constantly annoyed by Harper and her terrible references to dumbledore, Mary poppins and old pop culture. I groaned out loud and rolled my eyes on several occasions. The plot twists weren't exciting or unexpected, and as the commenter before me said, the book was far longer than necessary.

Carla Coulston Nailed it Kemper! I just wrote a similar 2 star review, although yours was infinitely funnier and more articulate 😊
I feel like Joe set out to write his version of The Stand and then got intimidated.
My 2 stars was also largely due to the wasted potential of a great concept, but also idiotic Harper, the incessant music references and the icky romance factor.

Kristina Your review is spot on 👌

Suzanne Atkocius I agree with other negative reviewers. I expected more from this. Harper was so wishy-washy. I don't know any young woman who would know that much Mary Poppins. And how could a camp with such a large group of teenagers know so much old music? I thought the audiobook version was also hindered by the narrator herself. Harper was supposed to be in her mid-20s, but the actor voicing her was clearly much older. That was distracting. She also didn't make the characters' voices different (or even consistent) enough. And I'm from New England. The narrator's awkward pronunciations of the city names was also distracting for me.

message 71: by Will (new) - rated it 3 stars

Will Underwood Great review. The constant references to King got me as well.

Harper to me wasn't even likable. Allie is probably the most human, relatable character in the book and is only a minor character.

That was the first Hill book I bought and read, and will likely be my last. I feel like the 3 stars I gave it were too many.

Jessiclees Bang on review, nice! x

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