Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Good Omens

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
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it was ok
bookshelves: audiobooks

This book has been recommended to me for years. Everyone has been telling me how funny it is and...


Didn't laugh. Didn't smile. Didn't even blow air through my nose. Not once.

I eventually continued it as an audiobook otherwise I wouldn't have finished it.

It felt like a kid story. Maybe I don't get the British humour (I feel like I usually like it tho). But I just couldn't get myself to care.

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Reading Progress

October 8, 2016 – Shelved
May 3, 2019 – Started Reading
May 8, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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message 1: by Hanča (new)

Hanča I find Pratchett's type of humour similar to Douglas Adams and since you didn't like Hitchhiker's guide I'm not surprised this was a miss as well. 😊

message 2: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Haydock i'm listening to audio now, some parts i thought were ok in the beginning but i have no interest in continuing, half way through, kinda bummed

message 3: by Tanya (new)

Tanya Amazon made an original series adaptation from this book. Couldn't get through the book but I did binge watch all 6 episodes yesterday and loved it.

Assa It is funny in the tv series, you should watch it!

message 5: by Norjahan begum (new)

Norjahan begum Book was eeeh I couldn’t pass 5 pages .. tv series is pretty good

message 6: by Cat (new) - added it

Cat I loved the tv series but I’m so afraid I won’t like the book either.

Liliana I think you just don't like British humour. It was the same with the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy...

Siren Oof. Exactly why I was apprehensive for you to read a Pratchett book. It is just isn't your humor. Thankfully Good Omens will always remain my #1 comfort book above all else. It is excellent, if anyone still wants to try it out but got discouraged by this review.

ReadingSloph It's very British humour. It reminds me a lot of hitchhiker's guide and of discworld books.

Laura Olson I felt the same when I listened to the audio last week. I still had hopes for the adaptation but I’m 2 episodes in and don’t really care about that either.

message 11: by Mary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mary Loved it.

Autumn Bachhofer I am right there with you. But the show is good though it filled in all the empty spots that I actually didn't even know that was needed.

Megan ☾ Lawrie Eh. I'm british and don't find Pratchett books remotely funny, tbh!

Sylvie Helen I won't pretend that doesn't hurt, but since that's the case you might really enjoy the TV series as I felt the humour was quite different.

message 15: by Fateha (new)

Fateha Ar "Didn't even blow air through my nose" 🤣🤣 I wonder how that sounds like

message 16: by Miriam (new) - added it

Miriam It's weird, I like Terry Pratchett and I liked Coraline by Neil Gaiman but I wasn't keen on this (got 2/3 through). I did like the show though but again thought the humour was a bit odd at times.

message 17: by Misty (new) - added it

Misty DNF'd it after maybe chapter 5. Tried it because the show looks good.

Andrea Roberts the audiobook was the only thing that kept me going. and I sped it up to 2x speed

message 19: by Mon (new) - rated it 1 star

Mon ajjajajjajaja 😝 didn’t even blow air through my nose!! funny and soo right!!

Alexia i relate so hard to the audiobook thing. I just couldn't stand reading it with my own two eyes anymore

message 21: by Kate (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kate Hopkins Don’t worry, I’m British & didn’t really get it either

Michal Jireh Tumamak Just started and I'm getting the same vibes! Not sure if I should power through and finish the book or just move on to something else...

message 23: by Iwona (new)

Iwona Jarosz i hate british humor.but now it is black udder monty phyton than leads the world it seems.any book that makes fun of god bible etc is simply wrong

message 24: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Ha. M-E-H. Meh. Did you know that's from the Simpsons???
Anyways love your channel I don't watch everyone but when I do it's well done.
Have you read Guards Guards and the Nights watch arc? It's probably the same type of humor but Carrot is just the best character of all time.
I'm about to read Monstrous Regiment which has a wild premise.
I sure hope it's not M-E-H

message 25: by Lola (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lola Relacon Same here

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