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Leading carbon project developer in ecosystem restoration

​With a boots-on-the-ground approach, DGB is a purpose-driven for-profit organisation focused on bringing excellence to the development and operation of carbon projects.

Our focus areas


Carbon projects

We implement nature-based solutions that remove or avoid carbon emissions, tackling social and environmental challenges while helping companies to compensate for their carbon emissions.


Biodiversity projects

Our biodiversity projects focus on protecting and restoring ecosystem health and enriching biodiversity, contributing to the wellbeing of ecosystems and environmental resilience.


Plastic projects

Our plastic projects involve removing and recycling plastic (that would otherwise end up in our oceans and environment), contributing to waste reduction and environmental conservation.

Revised Verra module boosts integrity in deforestation auditing_Young deciduous trees growing in the foreground, with a cleared deciduous forest in the background_featured

Who we are

Restoring nature where
it is needed most

Nature-based solutions is the most scalable method to effectively mitigate carbon emissions while restoring ecosystems. It can provide 37% of the CO2 mitigation needed to meet the Paris Agreement’s targets by 2030.

We scale nature revitalisation to create a healthier, cleaner, and more sustainable world through carbon, biodiversity, plastic, and other nature-based solutions. 

We assist companies, governments, and individuals in achieving net zero and investing in nature through projects that enhance ecosystems and community livelihoods.

DGB is an energetic, global company listed on the Amsterdam Euronext stock exchange with ticker code AEX:DGB.

Trading on Euronext Amsterdam
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Our business model: creating value for our planet

How we do it

To create a greener future, we must restore nature where it is needed most. We do this through large-scale reforestation, sustainable agriculture, community-based agroforestry, and energy-efficient cookstoves.


We help you understand and commit to environmental improvement


We assist you in calculating your environmental footprint


We develop custom environmental solutions for your business


We help you communicate your sustainability progress

Expertise with purpose

Our team

DGB boasts a global presence with employees stationed in over 20 countries, embodying an international workforce and reflecting our diverse and widespread operations.

We have a multidisciplinary team of experts who drive our mission forward. Environmental scientists, ecologists, agronomists, project developers, financial analysts, and sustainability strategists all work together to create impactful, nature-based solutions. 

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We lead from the field

Impactful projects with lasting impacts

Our goal is to plant 1 billion trees! We take a holistic approach to restoring nature, combining tree-planting efforts with community involvement, training, and education. We plant over 20 different tree species and provide rural communities with economic opportunities, setting us apart from other carbon projects. 

Our projects provide various co-benefits, align with SDGs, and are independently verified. They generate high-quality carbon units that comply with the SBTi’s net-zero standard. 

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Want to join our mission?