LATEST ARTICLE Why carbon credits are a smarter investment than Bitcoin Read Article

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Video gallery

Why should you invest in green bonds?

The story behind reforestation project in Kenya

Biodiversity: How to turn a major threat into a huge opportunity

DGB Group conference call - Annual report 2021 and Q&A

16,9 miljoen ton CO2-reductie DGB Group

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Financial reports

View DGB Group's annual reports and publication archive for information about our financial performance in the carbon market and carbon finance since 2016.

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Blog & News

Read the latest trends, tips, and inspiration from the world of environmental ecosystems and carbon neutrality. 

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As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth's reforestation rapidly. Do you want to help, or do you have questions? Drop us a line.

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