Bloody Muscle Bodybuilder in Hell (Originaltitel: Jigoku no chimidoro massuru birudâ) - 1995
(This Film Rates an A )
A man stabs a woman to death and her blood gets soaked into a metal necklace. He attempts to bury her in the floorboards, but she comes alive. Flash forward to a bodybuilder named Shinji and his ex-girlfriend who is into photographing haunted houses. They get together with a psychic and visit abandoned and seemingly haunted houses. The three visits one in particular, it was owned by Shinji's father. The psychic senses something is watching them. He tries to summon a woman's spirit and starts having horrific visions. All does not go as planned of course and its all-super bloody fun from here. The gore isn't extensively realistic but there is plenty of good spurting blood scenes. Its satisfying even if over the top in so many ways. The comedic moments are very funny and effective (28 min mark, 43 min mark. 52 min mark) and are often followed with lots of blood. You'll laugh but you'll love. The soundtrack is good and has some creepy moments that enhance and highlight the scenes (12 min mark, 18 min mark, 27 min mark, 28 min mark, 33 min mark). No T&A. The overall film quality isn't there but what's present is artistically fantastic in that Japanese WTF sort of way. Plus, he said "groovy".