I seen the commercial for this movie off of a rental I had and had gotten excited because from the looks of it, it was not bad. Then I had to rent it and my thoughts are that for a desolate setting for a mid-western town was creepy enough for evil to go around fulfilling its vices. You have a great cast, full of veteran actors who all played their parts well. Many reviewers have commented on the boy characters nauseating faith in "god" and the nature of what god is. Some others have also commented that the usual King treat is depicted of a good ol' moral spar between good and evil but I don't see it as such. It was noted many of times that King had either begun this story while he had substance problems and or finished the book (story) in rehab. If this is true, then it's possible that the authors own bouts with the man upstairs became apparent in this film. Either way, I can see why the complaints but personally the kid and his faith didn't bother me. What bothered me was for a King film this ended too fast and no scary, slimy monsters to swat back into the darkness. But due to the villain mainly being bodiless is a new approach and was executed rather well. Another film (for TV) before this (I forget the names) wasn't all too great either. To be honest, I've lost track of his catalog but the last movie that I'd seen that left me satisfy was "Rose Red". I say rent it, be the judge and see if you like it or not.