This movie is horrible. Not only is it not worth your time to sit and watch it, it is torture to watch. My brother was watching it and I happened to be in the same room while he was watching it and there is one word I would use to describe this movie: TRASH! The acting is terrible, the script is crap, the special effects are non existent. This is not even a movie, it's a waste of a tape, it's a sad excuse for something to be considered a so called movie. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH THIS, IT'S NOT WORTH IT! The only way I would suggest watching this is if you would like to torture yourself, if you would like to torture yourself then by all means watch this movie. I don't even think anyone who was high could appreciate this movie, in fact I think this movie might drive people to get high. Well anyway if your looking for a good movie to rent at the video store rent anything other than this, believe me you'll be sorry if you rent this.