And whoever they are, they should be held accountable for this mentally and artistically vapid monstrosity. What the heck are these media brainwashers trying to do to future generations? Judging from the content of this program, it may be another attempt at turning children into weak-minded, docile creatures who must be shown constant strobing, neuron-numbing colors and patterns to attain the full throttle on their ever-decreasing attention spans. I blame garbage like this for turning our precious youth into flighty, simple-minded morons who couldn't sit through a black & white film to save their lives. And what's more, this show doesn't ever TEACH anything! Where's the part where you learn to read, spell, and count??? Call me old-fashioned but don't you think that in these impressionable years of their early childhood, it may be best to teach them the fundamentals and save the acid-tinged psychedellia and bouncing, multi-colored phallic symbols for a later date, perhaps??? Thankfully, I'm twenty years old with no kids and my only sibling is old enough to think for herself, so that nobody I love is currently being affected negatively by this junk (exempting from mention, of course, my own blood pressure levels). But if this show is still running when (and if) I have children of my own, I'll know exactly when to practice "parental discretion."