Argai was a French animated TV series created in 2000 about a medieval fantasy world of animal people. But then everything shifts to a cyberpunk dystopia in the future and we are introduced to the title character. Prince Argai, a lion knight who has been thrown into the year 2075 where his nemesis Dark Queen Oriale, a serpentine sorceress, has taken over the world.
From there Argai gathers a group to help him save his girlfriend whom in the past Oriale placed under a spell to steal her youth. Shown at first in flashbacks to events leading up to Argai's quest.
A rather involved and unusual plot and a fairly competent villaness too. Each episode moves along fairly well and does not get repetitive. What does get repetitive though is the animation which sometimes cuts corners by re-using sequences. Though usually at least well used. The art style is interesting and overall well animated as well with distinctive appearances and a good voice cast as well.
Better yet the series has a distinct start and finish rather than ending incomplete as so many series do now-a-days.