I have said for years that Paramount should put out a questionaire on obscure Trek topics and conventions, and whoever gets the most right gets to be the series continuity director. As every fan knows, the actural series completely sucks at its own continuity.
The real treat here, is these guys have done it. Taken the most obscure trek lore and worked into the story line that can not help but bring out a chuckle for those "in the know." I saw "in Harm's Way" first, which out of the two available is the better. The storyline is actually quite good considering its an amateur effort. The sets are incredible, the special effects are pretty good, and overall I give this high marks.
The acting is pretty gawd awful though. It very much reminds me of some efforts at a few Star Trek conventions I've been to... however, its not totally without merit. There are some great performances... but the Scotty and Janice Rand need A LOT of work.
Overall, this is a fanboy's dream come true, an incredible accomplishment considering this was done in someone's spare time. Kudos to all those involved! Want more!