The series begins with Yates and Francis Forsythe adapting from their yuppie life in California to Yates' childhood home - a sprawling estate in smalltown Mississippi. They join Yates' parents, "the Judge" (Nick Nolte) and "Byrd" (Barbara Hersey). The manor is situated on vast property with green grounds and trees dripping with moss. The Forsythes are influential. Francis discovers secret-after-secret piling up and uncovering mysteries while much of the town dislikes her forward-thinking ways. She equally dislikes deep southern traditions. Along with Francis, I want answers to the questions she forms about the town and her husband. The characters are well constructed - many bigger than life - yet like the rest of us, no one is entirely good or bad. Each actor embodies the character he or she is playing so you believe. There are references to classic works of art: Paradise Lost (John Milton's epic poem) and Ophelia (John Everett Millais' painting). If you have access, Paradise Lost is worth watching. The greatest mystery surrounds Yates' dead sister Janus. She is the local legend with tales of her supernatural powers, which we see through flashbacks. If you think it is slow at the beginning, keep going because the last few episodes make it impossible to press pause. I am crossing my fingers for a Season 2. I want to know what happens next.