Right, well, "While We Sleep" I slept too. Man, talk about a swing and a miss of a movie.
Sure, I will admit that I was initially suckered into watching the 2021 horror movie "While We Sleep" on the account that it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen. And yeah, the movie's cover wasn't all that bad; a bit cheesy, but not overly bad.
I hadn't even heard about "While We Sleep" prior to sitting down and watching it. So I wasn't sure what to expect from writers Brian Gross and Rich Ronat. But I certainly was expecting a horror movie. But that is not what director Andrzej Sekula delivered. Well, unless you consider an unfathomably dull and slow paced movie to be horror.
The storyline written by Brian Gross and Rich Ronat was just insanely boring and uneventful. There was literally and virtually nothing of any interest happening throughout the course of the movie, so the run time of 92 minutes was quite a struggle to sit through. And I have to be honest, I drifted off to sleep twice throughout the ordeal that is known as "While We Sleep".
I wasn't familiar with the cast in the movie, and that is usually something I enjoy in movies. But the actors and actresses in "While We Sleep" had a snowballs chance in Hell of delivering anything worthwhile, as they had a non-existing script to work with, rigid dialogue and characters with the appeal of stepping on rusted nails.
"While We Sleep" was a swing and a miss of a horror movie. And if you, like me, do enjoy horror movies, then do yourself a mighty favor and stay well clear of this stinker. It simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.
My rating of "While We Sleep" lands on a one out of ten stars. This is definitely one of the worst and most boring horror movies I have had the misfortune of suffering through.