This Filipino film is centred on Donna, an investigative journalist wanting to report on more interesting stories. To this end she is willing to photograph accident victims, even moving bodies for a better shot. This particular incident took place on a stretch of closed road where somebody had moved warning barriers. Soon afterwards others who U-turn on this stretch of road start dying; the authorities believe them to be suicides but Donna's investigation leads her to believe they are connected to using that road. With the help of Kevin, a friend in the police, she aims to prove it. In the process she puts herself in danger.
When I watched this I had no idea that it was a remake of an Indian film and as I've not seen the original I can't say how they compare. I thought the story had some interesting ideas and these led to some enjoyably creepy scenes. The ghost effects are pretty good; done physically rather than obvious CGI... the scariness was unfortunately lost towards the end when one of the ghosts speaks to the person who inadvertently caused her death. The acting is solid enough; especially from Kim Chiu, who plays Donna. I liked the fact that the lead character wasn't the typical 'Miss Perfect', many of the things she did to get stories were certainly both immoral and illegal. Overall I wouldn't call this a must see but if you are looking for a horror film made somewhere different it is worth watching.
These comments are based on watching the film in Filipino with English subtitles.