The most disappointing thing about this film is that we didn't get more time with Don.
If you let yourself be entertained and don't think too hard about it, this film won't do much to interfere with your enjoyment. Lots of truly bad horror films insult your time and break the experience. This film sets out to be a "bad" horror film from the get go, and it does that very well. It has campy moments, a basic plot, low budget production and absurd "super serious" moments that will crack you up at how silly it all is.
It does feel about 10 minutes too long though. Part of that issue is that the main character portrayal (both acting and writing) struggles to carry the film to its conclusion. The Don character pretty much stole the show here (and the guy in the intro). So this film does end up with a typical horror movie final act, sadly. You'll be itching to finish it right about when it does decide to finish. You can even skip the epilogue and it wouldn't detract much from the experience.