"Binodini" is a visually rich and emotionally resonant film that delves into the tumultuous life of Binodini Dasi, a legendary figure in Bengali theatre. The movie does a commendable job of bringing to light the struggles and triumphs of this remarkable woman.
The standout performance of the film is undoubtedly by Rukmini Maitra, who breathes life into the character of Binodini. Her portrayal is powerful, nuanced, and captivating. She embodies Binodini's strength, vulnerability, and fiery passion for the stage, making it an absolute delight to watch her throughout the movie. It's clear that she put her heart and soul into the role, and her performance alone makes the film worth watching.
However, the casting choices for Rabindranath Tagore and Ramkrishna Paramhansa are disappointingly underwhelming. These iconic personalities deserved more thought and precision in representation, as their portrayals felt miscast and lacked the depth and gravitas required to do justice to their legendary status. This misstep unfortunately pulls the audience out of the narrative at crucial moments.
Visually, the film excels, with stunning period-appropriate sets, costumes, and an evocative score that transports viewers to 19th-century Bengal. The direction does a fair job of weaving together the various threads of Binodini's life, although the pacing feels uneven at times.
Overall, "Binodini" is a compelling watch, with Rukmini Maitra's extraordinary performance standing as its brightest gem. Despite the missteps in casting some key figures, the film succeeds in shedding light on an extraordinary woman's legacy.