I dont know much about what a miners life is, but having seen enough from tv shoots from the svalbard mines, i know its a narrow and dark working space, just enough room for me the claustrophobic, small but broad shouldered grumpy old man.
its a film about the blackness of hell down the devils ground, where they break the black gold at the gates of purgatory, where gasses and fumes and the earpinning noise of machinery, but also silence, gives you a pretty good roller coaster ride of a my day in the mine shocker, horror ,thriller, drama feature film, made on a scoarched budget.
so take my word that this is crude stuff, the actors have done their deeds eating dust and rocky water, and i think that this is quite a maximum of what you can make on a low budget. therefore impressive it is. i can just imagine what it could have been with some goliath main stream production company funding this idea, that might have been able to fulfill the soaring plotholes that obviously occurs here and there due to lack of a dollar.
but the makers have done a good job making this very realistic and close to real life, so whether your a coal miner or a greenpeacer, have a look, its stunningly made a done. a recommend from the grumpy old man