In 9 short minutes, creator Jack Anderson cements with 'Wire cutters' what more renowned sci-fi tales have imparted over greater length: Given a modicum of anthropomorphic expression, robots are just as sympathetic of characters as any human.
Cody Bursch's musical themes, though not especially complex, add considerable weight to this small story. It's cute in its quick progression, but also startling - and a little sad. The theme of cooperation, as not just a boon of mutual benefit but a necessity, is impressed upon us very heavily.
The design of the robots, rooted in familiar equipment we might see in our lives, is clever in its simplicity. That, too, boosts the air this puts off - it's impossible not to feel a little tug on our heartstrings for these little workers on a distant planet.
There's not much more to say. 'Wire cutters' is both sharp in its presentation, and touching. Not even 10 minutes long, this is certainly worth a quick watch.