Instinto básico 2. Adicción al riesgo (2006)] I re-read the script and knew I had to redo it. I later learned the script had been around Hollywood for years, and the movie was a deal-film, which means that nobody really gives a monkey how it turns out, but a lot of people make a lot of money as soon as it's made. It was a disaster. I wanted to get out, but I'd have been sued to death.
Sharon Stone lives in a zone inside her own head. She's had to do everything to get up the greasy pole, and having reached a certain age then wonders what to do. It's all about insecurity and fear. And to show she was the star she'd turn up late, not know her lines, she'd make appointments to have her nails done on a day of filming. There was no point in getting into a fight with her, though.