For those that like low budget movies this one would be too up market for you.
For those that suffer ultra low budget movies along with a beer and chips this would suit you. I thought it was a comedy but it is shown as a Horror Sci fi.
If you are aware of Sharknado it was a low budget film.
Perhaps the producers had some money (coins only) left over from the making of Sharknado and made the movie 'Zombie Shark'.
I have just sat through some of the corniest, dumbest, most idiotic comments, scenes and action sequences associated with a film .....EVER.
I actually missed a bit of the movie. I went away and did the dishes, came back and realised I had missed 'bugger all'.
It would be difficult to pick holes in this 'comedy, horror' movie as it is just one large hole although the ladies would be attractive to unmarried men I am told.
However, if you have 1 hour and 15 minutes of your life to waste laughing, shaking your head in disbelief while drinking (lots of drinking) I still might not recommend this movie unless you had started drinking beforehand.
To prepare yourself for the 'Zombie Shark' experience I suggest you watch "The Blob', 'Them', perhaps a teen movie and only then subject your last few working brain cells to 'Zombie Shark'.
For those that wish to suffer 'Zombie Shark' the movie you MUST watch the last 3 minutes.
In fact rent it if only for the last 3 minutes.