Swans Crossing was like a teen soap opera. I enjoyed, and still enjoy watching it. I am lucky enough to have some of the episodes on tape. The best thing about Swans Crossing was that it was not about sex or drugs, it was a show you could sit and watch with your whole family. I also am a huge Sarah michelle Gellar Fan. All and All 10 years after it was canceled Swans Crossing is still a very much remembered TV show. I actually watched my episodes today. I really enjoy watching it. The best scene to me, it is also to me the best Sarah Michelle Gellar scene ever, was when Sydney(Sarah Michelle gellar) was supposed to walk off the baseball field with Garret(Shane Mcdermont)and announce their love together, but Sydney did not go. So later she had to run through the woods to catch Garret, but when she arrived at the Soda Shop Garret was with Mila(Brittany Daniel). Sydney cried and walked outside and fell near a bench. I love that scene. This is already too long so I will stop writing now.