DEVIL'S DYNAMITE opens with some Kung Fu and black magic going on. Kangaroo-hopping, karate vampires are revived from their coffins. They are provided with human blood by their criminal bosses, so their narcotics can flow freely.
Ninjas attack!
Alas, they're no match for the jumping undead. A story nearly develops, before the hopping vampires battle a silver-suited spaceman. Apparently, a man named Steve Cox has something to do with this spasmodic cluster-fudge, but god alone knows what that might be! Steve's been released from prison, in order to dress like a fedora-wearing vicar. He also Kung Fu's like nobody's business!
It's best to not attempt to make any sense of this mess, and simply watch it agape, as one would watch an oncoming bus.
Otherwise, the viewer's brain will surely turn into mucilage. Just enjoy the impact, as vampire-ized ninjas fight the silver guy. Fittingly, this alleged "sequel" to ROBO VAMPIRE came out a year before that film.
RANDOM THOUGHTS AND QUERIES: #1- Hey! The spaceman has an anti-sorcery mirror! #2- Woah! What's up with the kid dressed like a clown? #3- Who's the bald guy with the eye patch?
Don't miss the big shootout finale, complete with explosions! Yep, we're just windshield / grill decorations for this bus!...